- Drivers License & SS card
- Copy of purchase and sales agreement…signed by all parties
- If sold existing home, copy of purchase & sale agreement and CD if closed
- Copies of last two current pay stubs for one full month ( must reflect YTD earnings)
- Copies of bank/brokerage statements for past two months
- Current Statement on existing mortgage
- Stock, bond & retirement(IRA, 401k, etc) statements (2 months)
- W-2’s for past 2 years…If borrower is hourly or salaried employee 1040”s for past 2 years…if you have any below:
- 1099 income….unemployment if seasonal work
- Self employed
- Interest income
- Trust Income
- Rental income
- Retirement or social security benefit statements
- Real estate contract or Note Receivable income
- Rental schedule(s) and agreement(s) on all properties…MUST BE CURRENT
- If self-employed…minimum 2 years completed and signed tax returns
- If divorced or separated:
- Legal Separation Agreement, Finding of Fact or decree
- Final Dissolution Agreement or MSA
- If minor children involved:
- Copy of parenting plan
- Any supporting agreements
- Copies of checks/stubs from support enforcement if used as qualifying income
- Bankruptcy:
- Full copy of bankruptcy papers
- letters of explanation regarding cause of bankruptcy
Different programs require varying amounts of documentation. The loan program you select may require more or less documentation.
Different programs require varying amounts of documentation. The loan program you select may require more or less documentation. Please contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation.